The 4 specialties are the issues to consider to keep control and reduction of the "Environmental Noise". The example perhaps more representative of the vehicle system is definitely the car, without diminishing the importances of the other several means of transport (bus, train, ship, plane), as it is the car that started to study the problem of noise (and vibration) and have developed the most sophisticated techniques, that today are an integral part of the conception, development and implementation of a passenger vehicle with the acoustic requirements of quietness and comfort for passengers. The acoustics of the means of transport by road (Automotive) is synthesized by the initials NVH (Noise, Vibration, Harshness) and typically represents the design phase, the simulation and the test prototype vehicles finals. An example of a partnership is the "Italian Automotive Solution - IAS" for which Vibro-Acoustic acts as an up-front to potential international customers.